How Long Do Bonsai Trees Live: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximising Their Lifespan

“How long do bonsai trees live?” Answering this query requires delving into a multitude of factors that intricately shape the lifespan of bonsai trees. Bonsai trees, renowned for their captivating beauty and meticulous craftsmanship, have enchanted enthusiasts for centuries. Cultivating these miniature wonders demands a delicate blend of skill and artistry. One of the most … Continue Reading

Bougainvillea Bonsai – Species Guide

Mature Bougainvillea Bonsai

Introduction to the Bougainvillea Bonsai A great thing about the Bougainvillea Bonsai (boog-in-VILL-ee-uh) is that it comes in so many varieties. The bract colour can be pink, white, purple, orange, and many shades in-between, some varieties also have variegated leaves. The colouring of the Bougainvillea is very striking and certainly grabs your attention. Bougainvillea has … Continue Reading

Bonsai Fertilizer – What Should It Contain?

The Importance of Using Bonsai Fertilizer Bonsai fertilizer can boost your bonsai’s nutrient levels and is necessary for photosynthesis and growth to take place. Since bonsai trees are miniature versions of their full-sized counterparts, its nutrient requirements will be the same, but the dosage amounts will be smaller. In addition, drainage and aeration are different … Continue Reading