Bonsai Trees For Beginners

If you are looking for the best beginner Bonsai trees, you should choose a Bonsai that  is a sturdy type that can grow well and be something you won’t have to work too hard to ensure it’s growth. You should examine the plants you want to buy and plan appropriate environment for these plants so that you can care for them in the best possible way.

Bonsai trees for beginnersThe best Bonsai trees for beginners

When buying your first Bonsai, you should start with simple trees that are easy to grow.  Buying from a experienced seller who knows way to handle Bonsai trees is a good idea when you are looking for your first Bonsai. These small trees can take years to attain their beautiful form but it’s worth your efforts and time. There are few species that are easy to grow, such as Hemlock and Maple. You can also choose Juniper, Cherry Blossom, Azalea, Japanese Red Willow, Weeping Willow, Cotoneaster, Elm, Pine, Jade or Japanese Maple as they make great Bonsai trees, especially when you want to start from beginning and learn this unique art of Bonsai. You can even create on Bonsai tree that will provide fruit!

On of the best beginner Bonsai trees from those listed above is the Japanese Red Willow. The tree is so versatile and amazing to look at and will give you a good start to becoming a master in this art even if you are not sure of what you are doing! These trees make good informal upright trees and are tall and swooping like the ones you see in many Japanese paintings. You can get best results with this tree if you shade it in summers, because this is what it prefers. Once there are few leaves on the tree, be prepared for a colourful explosion around the spring as its leaves turn brilliant red in colour. Definitely, you’ll enjoy this spectacular tree.

Another of the common beginner Bonsai trees is Juniper. It’s very easy to look after and style and is great for beginners. The tree produces long bushy branches that have great looking canopies on their ends. You can use wire to sculpt the tree so that it grows to almost any style you wish, and you’ll definitely enjoy the results it produces. This tree should be pruned only in winter or spring, and never during summer months. As juniper has few spiky parts, so you should wear gloves to avoid getting itchy rashes when doing some cutting work on these trees.

Shaping and styling a new Bonsai tree

You should try to shape a Bonsai when it is young, because more established older trees are more difficult to shape at a later stage. Moreover, young trees have small and flexible branches, which makes it easy for you to work on and shape them as per your specifications. When pruning the Bonsai trees, you should make clean cuts because this allows trees to heal properly within a short time. There are many different styles of Bonsai tree, the most common for beginners are cascading, upright and slanting.

Bonsai Formal upright
Formal Upright Style

Cascading is an interesting and beautiful style that tries to create a harmonious and flowing tree. The tree branches are gently weaved around the pot back and forth for creating a flow.

Most Bonsai trees for beginners also shaped in the  formal upright style. This type of tree comes with a tapered trunk that is actually positioned straight up. When there are few curves in the trunk of an upright Bonsai tree, it is known as the  informal upright style.

Slanted is another interesting style where the goal is to have trunk slant up at a certain angle from the ground. Some Bonsai styles can be easily recognized by their names.

Another Bonsai style that is quite popular with beginner Bonsai trees, is forest style where several trees are planted in one single pot or container. Bonsai trees with varying height are used for adding style and depth to the grouping. Mostly, three to five trees are used in the forest scene.

Once you have created the style of your Bonsai you can even add few elements to enhance the looks of your Bonsai tree, such as adding small moss or stones around the base of the tree. There are even figurines and temples that can add to the look of your tree and are a fun part of creating beginner Bonsai trees.

Bonsai tools

Good Bonsai tools are very important for creating best Bonsai trees for beginners. Some of these tools are a rake, shears, branch cutters and wire cutters. You can also buy tool kit that has everything to get started. The best thing is that these kits are easily available at reasonable prices and more advanced hobbyists can opt for high quality tools.

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